Homework #3: Graph Visualization

Interactive Visualization Summer 2021


Crowdsourced RPI CSCI Course & Instructor Dataset

Our dataset for this assignment will be the courses at RPI typically taken by Computer Science majors. Here's a link to our shared Google Sheets dataset:

The data is organized into two tabs: one lists the courses and their prerequisites, the second shows the history of terms the course was offered and the instructor(s) for each term. We will focus on classes taken by CSCI majors to complete their degree requirements. Here are the requirements for the recent incoming class:

Some of this data can be scraped from websites, but requires significant manual editing for clarity, consistency, and accuracy. In particular, the historical data might be inconsistent and much harder to acquire automatically. So we'll work together to crowdsource a clean and somewhat simplified version of this data.


The primary goal for this assignment is to familiarize yourself with Graphviz, an open source visualization tool for automatically drawing network-like graphs of linked nodes. To get started:

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