Homework 1: Inspirational Visualization Images

Interactive Visualization Summer 2021


We are surrounded by examples of visualization in every form of media in our everyday lives. An effective visualization will quickly and accurately convey important information in a compact manner that is easy to understand, interpret, and analyze. In contrast, a poor quality visualization can be confusing, hard to interpret, or even misleading.

Why are you interested in taking this course, "Interactive Visualization"? What visualizations are particularly inspiring to you? Find two example visualization images -- one example that you think is a great visualization and one example that you think needs significant revision to be effective. Please limit yourself to single, static (non-interactive) image visualizations for this assignment.

For each example:

Your assignment should be formatted as either:

Make sure your writeup is thoughtful, clear, and well-written (complete sentences, proofread/spellchecked). Remember that part of your grade for this assignment and for this course is your communication/writing.

How to Submit

Upload your file(s) to the Submitty Gradeable for Homework #1.

Make a post on the Submitty Discussion Forum sharing one of your two visualizations (the already great one or the one that needs improvement). Include a very brief description of what you like about the visualization and/or what needs improvement.

Send email to the instructor ASAP if you cannot access Submitty.