Final Project

Interactive Visualization, Summer 2021

For the remainder of the term, you will pick an appropriately-sized visualization challenge that involves all (or most) of the steps in visualization. Your project should involve a significant amount of coding, but you should leverage one or more visualization or graphics-related software packages or toolkits. You will present your final project through both an in class presentation and a written document.

Note: Final projects must be interactive!

You are strongly encouraged to work on the final project in a team of two. Individual projects and teams with more than two people must be discussed with the instructor and approved in advance.

The Visualization Process

The process of visualization design and implementation can be roughly broken down into a series of stages (with overlap! & order can be shuffled!):

Final Project Ideas

Post your final project ideas to the Submitty Forum. Include attachments or links with images and/or references (if you have them).

Read the posts of the other students, and give constructive feedback to at least 3 other students/teams by replying to their post on the Submitty Forum. Ask a question, give a suggestion, post a link to a related paper or visualization, suggest a toolkit or additional source for data, etc. Each teammate should make their own feedback replies. You cannot give feedback to your own team. Let's try to distribute the feedback so everyone gets at least 2 replies.

Final Project Proposal

For the proposal document, focus on the high level motivation, purpose and hypotheses, target audience, and data source for your project. What are the expected challenges in creating this visualization? And what are the key features of your visualization that you are most interested in exploring?

The document should be a minimum of 500 words (equivalent of 2 pages double spaced text) capturing your ideas for your final project. Teams should work together in preparing this initial proposal and all future documents & presentations.

In your own words, summarize the feedback you received from your classmates. Be sure your proposal writeup answers their questions and incorporates (as appropriate and feasible and by your choice) their suggestions. Your proposal should also address the questions below:

Final Project Progress Posts

Summarize your progress on your final project. Write up at least 200 words and note any unexpected challenges, or changes to your plans from your proposal. Include at least one image or screenshot. (Or if progress to this point has been on non-visual data collection, include sufficient detail on that processing -- e.g., data statistics, etc.)

Final Project Presentation

Presentations will be during class the last two or three lectures. Individuals will have 15-25 minutes to present, followed by 3-5 minutes for questions from the audience (while we transition to the next presenter). Attendance is mandatory on all presentation days and everyone should give their full attention to their classmates presentation and ask good questions.

Final Project Report

Your final report should be formatted using pdf and follow a standard technical writing format (e.g., motivation, related work, algorithm/technique, results, conclusions, and bibliography). All students are encouraged to format their final report for submission to a relevant academic visualization or visualization-related conference (e.g., IEEE Visualization or similar). The report must be a minimum of 2000 words (equivalent of 8 pages double spaced text, excluding figures & references).

Both the presentation and the written document should clearly describe:

How to Submit

Your final project submission to the homework submission server should include: